Well, I made it through a whole month of blogging. I really can’t believe it. This is Bloggy McBloggerFace, Month Two
The September Blog Challenge
Back in August, Jason Montoya challenged me to write a blog a DAY for a month. I had not written on my blog in SIX YEARS, so I said sure – no problem! (What was I thinking?!)
There’s been joy. There’s been fun. There’s been seasons in the sun. (Seriously, I was at my beach house for the first half of the challenge). It was rough getting started. I was trying to figure out my “voice” (overthinking it), and write perfectly (no such thing). I’ve since relaxed some, although I still struggle with only wanting to write things that are useful.
Speaking of the beach house – I seriously had an unfair advantage over the others in the challenge. I spent about 3 hours a day writing and working on the blog template and such. There is NO way I would have been able to fit that into my normal office schedule. But, once I got the thing off the ground the last two weeks weren’t that bad. It wasn’t a walk in the park, but not like pulling teeth either.
What now?
Well, I think I’ll keep going. So far so good, and I have had several people tell me that something encouraged or inspired them. Someone at my office said “Hey” as I walked by, I looked, and they flashed their Fidelity Cash Back Visa at me. Someone else told me that they found my beach house post really helpful in their own journey.
I have also had three different people tell me that I inspired or encouraged them outside the blog with things I said, stories I shared, or in ways I encouraged or prompted them. I had a guy tell me “you changed my life” this month. Wow. So, I want to keep writing. Maybe I can convey those real life stories and encouragements into blogs, and perhaps they will be an encouragement to people I don’t even know.
That’s the idea anyway – I want to positively impact the lives of others. I truly do.
Changes a comin’?
I’m not 100% sure how I am going to approach October yet. I know I am going to try to relax a little more and perhaps write more freely. There are also some “big ideas” I want to write about that I hope will inspire business owners or those in leadership. I just have to be willing to write them “out of order” to get them out of me. That will be hard to do, but I am going to try!
This post is a good example of relaxing. I am not thinking it to death – I am just writing. Very little editing or moving things around. Just getting it out there!
Captain Blogtastic
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